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Land of Lincoln, IKEA, and Surgery?

I'm sure all of you fine readers are wondering what's been going on with me lately. In fact, you're probably ready to reach through this very screen and ask: Jess, where have you been these last few weeks? Why have you neglected us, the readers so near to your heart?

Well, if you follow me over on instagram or tumblr, you may have some insider information. For example, you may know that I have recently been on vacation and had a visit with my colorectal surgeon. I'm telling you, the adventures never stop around here.

Vacation? Do chronically ill people even go on vacation? Why, yes. Yes, we do. I had the pleasure of visiting the great state of Illinois last week (or maybe it was two weeks ago, I don't even know anymore). I went down for a family reunion and had a wonderful time. Thanks to modern medicine I was able to spend days outside in the humid, sunny weather trying to get a jump start on my summer tan. I ate fro-yo and drank 10+ plus coffees over the course of a week. Joan, if you're reading this, I took some for the team.

Most of all, I was able to enjoy a vacation without stressing over how feeble my health was, a huge change from even a year ago. I'm so blessed with my team of doctors and the progress that we have been able to make. Less than a year ago, I had to use a wheelchair to go to the drugstore, and now I'm able to walk around Illinois fields in the baking sun for hours! If that doesn't speak volumes of how much my health has changed for the better, I don't know what does.

A few days after returning home from the Land of Lincoln, I was on the road again. This time the destination was Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or IKEA to be exact. A few Swedish meatballs and way to many Netherlandic home furnishings later, I was back on the road to home.

Unfortunately, in between these two road trips was a trip to my amazing colorectal surgeon. While my Crohn's disease is still in clinic remission, I have developed an abscess. It looks like I may be getting a minor surgical procedure to remove it next week. This just goes to show you that chronic illness doesn't take a vacation.

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