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What's Cookin' Good Lookin': An Update

Some of you may have noticed that I appeared to have dropped off of the face of the planet. I'm here to assure you that I have not. As per my month long blogging hiatus, I hate to say this, but I really have not had any time. What's that? You want to know what's been cookin'?

Well, as you know, I have been attending my local CCFA chapter's support group. That's been an amazing experience, but y'all can read my last post to hear more about that. It's nearing finals season for my college courses, so things have been a little busy with that. I think I'm writing thesis's and research papers in my sleep.

I recently completed an interview with Lupus Chick for a piece on their blog. It should be posted in the next few weeks; I'll update my Media page when it's up, so keep your eyes peeled. Confession time: I'm actually excited to read it, myself.

I also had the ability to work with Everyday Health a couple weeks ago. If you're interested in hearing what it's like to be diagnosed with Crohn's disease at 16, check it out.

Health wise, things have been stable and good (besides a nasty cold). That's really all I've ever asked for from my body, so I'm happy. I've been able to tolerate almost daily walks! What a huge victory (if you didn't know, a health condition I have called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome makes standing and walking incredibly difficult. Back in the summer I was unable to walk around my own house because of low blood pressure and fainting). I'm enjoying this busy, crazy, healthier* time immensely.

Sending love and spring spoons to you all, thanks for following me on my crazy life journey!

*Just because I am feeling better, does not mean I am cured. I still live with multiple chronic illnesses, and have to deal with their symptoms daily. I am currently enjoying a period of remission from my Crohn's disease, meaning it is essentially hibernating right now. I do still get symptoms and have to pay close attention to my diet. Likewise, I still experience health issues and have to take multiple medications a day to manage these. I invite you to celebrate with me that I am feeling better, but remember that I am not cured.

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