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Dream With Me

Ask anyone who knows me if I have dreams and life goals, and the answer you will get is a resounding “yes”. I can pretty much guarantee that the life goal being though of is a particularly beautiful farm house with a ginormous veranda, about ten minutes from where I live. Yeah, I’m going to live there one day. When I move in I’ll let you guys know and we can have a huge housewarming party, ok?

But I digress. The point of this post is dreams. Living with chronic illness, the focus is all to often put on limitations and the here and now. Doctors want you to do this. Your body won’t allow you to eat that. Pain won’t let you sleep. Blah blah blah…what I hear is limitations.

Now, if you’ve been following me for a lil’ bit, you will notice that I don’t really do limitations and negative influences. And on this point I don’t budge; I’m about as stubborn as a Missouri mule, y'all. What do I do instead of “limits”? I do dreams and life goals.

One day, I will travel. I will go to Europe and visit London and Rome and Cologne and Flanders. I will go to the Louvre, bask in the shade of gothic cathedrals, visit Big Ben, see Bernini and Van Dyke masterpieces. I will become a Registered Dietician and work in a pediatric hospital. I will live independently and have adventures on my own. I will. That’s the important part. I don’t have little fluttery dreams; mine are concrete. And they keep me going. When pain is bad I can remind myself of the bright times ahead. When my world has shrunk down to the four walls of a hospital room (usually with nary a window in site, I might add), I look to the museums and ancient architecture I will visit in the future.

Let yourself dream, guys. It is freeing and hopeful in the best way. And then, when you have the opportunity - because I know you will - go out and fulfill those dreams. But please take lots of pictures so I can be with you in spirit.

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